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So, I have to admit, I didn't realize how long Isaac's hair was getting until I heard a few too many know...the "oh, are you growing his hair out?"...and the, "you have old man hair don'tcha buddy?" and then there were the two girls sitting behind us in church having an argument about whether or not he was a boy or a girl. Time for a haircut. I have to say, I'm not used to this yet...with the girls I just let it grow and I have to drag hubby kicking and screaming (well, ok, not really, but close) to the barber. So, all of the sudden the light-bulb came on and I realized, oh...he really needs a trim! So...we bathed him and sat him in front of the mirror. He wouldn't have anything to do with a towel around him and proceeded to bat away my hands every time I tried to get near his head. I finally gave him a new toothbrush with a bit of toothpaste on it and it seemed to keep him somewhat occupied. Needless to say, it was an exercise in patience...not one of my greatest virtues! So it's done. He looks so adorable...not because of my 'hack job' but because he looks a little more like a little boy now and not such a baby! I saved his hair, of course, and some of those locks are 2" long! Next time we won't wait so long...and next time, someone else can do it!

It's been such a long while since I've posted. I have lots that I could be posting on but can't seem to find the time to get er' done! Today is the official first day of fall and although the days are getting shorter we've still had some beautiful weather here. Many of you have gardens that are bursting forth with fruit and veggies....not me. BUT, I have a few friends and acquaintances who do and I have been lucky enough to reap the seeds that they took time to sew! I got a bushel full of prune plums from one friend which we've enjoyed immensely! Rob keeps bringing home bags of beautiful veggies from a dear, sweet couple who is neighbors to one of our farms. They've even started stopping by for visits and hanging more bags of veggies on our gate with notes claiming that they're from 'Joey', their horse!
This past week a wonderful woman from our church gave me the last of her damsen plums from her tree. She told us that she'd saved them just for us but we needed to use her tall ladder and that Rob should come and climb it! It was a beautiful day...we got buckets of plums and some wonderful visiting time with Elizabeth. Elizabeth is a woman I so admire. She has been widowed for many years now but still manages a huge property (full of fruit trees) and balances it with the daily life of farming. Elizabeth is a strong, strong woman of God and is not shy about challenging you to give your all to the Lord. She has taught me many things from her Mennonite to make borscht, how to make plum jam, to never shy away from hard work and how to trust God for EVERYTHING ! She's my kind of gal! She makes no excuses for herself or anyone else! Well, Elizabeth...I did it, I made the jam..with a few tips from Tillie too! This jam will be used sparingly due to the amount of work involved and also because it is used in a cookie recipe at Christmastime that my hubby loves! It's been fun to use up all these fruits and veggies that I wouldn't necessarily go out and buy on my own (like beets!) So thanks, my friends, for your goods and for your friendships!
Recently Rob had a little plumbing job to do under our kitchen sink and Isaac was VERY anxious to lend a helping hand! We couldn't keep him out of there! Future plumber? Maybe. If so, then I'd better teach him young to wear a belt. No plumbers butt for my baby!

So among the oodles of gift cards that I got for my b-day (that I'm looking soooo forward to spending) I also received these 2 lovely gifts. When a friend gives me a gift like one of these it's a great sign that they know me well. For me, receiving a kit or a stack of coordinating fabric is only part of the gift...I get to be creative and imagine what I'll do to make the project mine. Then, there's the fact that I get to take some quiet time, once the kids are in bed of course, and sit, put some tunes on and go to my happy place! So, thanks Cindy & Rhonda for these great gifts! It'll be awhile before you see the finished products but you'll see em'! Cindy & Rhonda were part of a group of gals that took me to the local cupcake hangout to celebrate my b-day....mmmm, it was a fun, and yummy, day! So, thanks Cindy for the great Cheryl Wall kit...Cheryl is one of my fav designers...and thanks Rhonda for the oh so yummy charm pack of fall fabrics....fall is my favorite!