Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Teacher Gifts...

Hi All! Well, the summer is finally here...no more scheduled mornings, watching the clock for pick ups and all those crazy days. Last week was so busy with sports day, ceremonies, preschool grad and all the rest of it! This week it's nice to just relax and not have to do anything! I'm a little late with these pics but this is the teacher gifts we did this year. I like to do teacher appreciation stuff during the year so that there isn't some big expectation from myself for the end of the year. I was reading somewhere that teachers love anything consumable as far as gifts go so we went with these cookie tubes and tucked in a gift card for Starbucks. The idea was simple but it was a fun project to do with the kids. I managed to scoop the cookie tube tins for free from a friend who was getting rid of them so this truly was an easy budget gift!

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

I feel a quilt coming on....

yep, I did it, I got the sewing bug back. It's been awhile since I created anything with fabric. I really haven't had the creative bug for the last few months. I've had a lot on my plate and when I have had time I've opted to spend it with friends, which is never a bad thing! Now, I haven't actually sat down and started sewing again but I headed out to a fabric store with a friend today and it wasn't long before I was inspired to begin a project. It always helps when everything's on sale! I'd like to focus on aprons and totes for the fall but the quilts are always fun and rewarding too. Once I get these lovely combos through the washer and dryer it'll be time to start cutting...that's when I crank the music and accomplish much! I love these fabrics I picked up today..they have a retro feel to them but still encorporate my love for color and floral. Well, hopefully it won't be long before you see the finished products! Thanks for checkin' in.....

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Me & 'My Girls'

So, I worked hard for two weeks solid, cleaned the deck, the furniture, set up the fountain, weeded the gardens, strategically placed the flower pots,. Hubby mowed lawns and helped weed....and all for nothing! Well, not exactly. Here's the story....A few weeks back the invite was sent out...it was time for another girls night out! A while back a bunch of us gals headed out to Fort Langley for the day and followed that up with a trip to the local winery for a tour and wine tasting. It was a huge hit and we all agreed we had to do it again...so this time we decided to do it at my place. Up until recently we've had gorgeous weather and super warm, but alas, it had to end sometime. Now, it didn't actually rain until later in the evening but it was a little too cool to sit outside so we moved the party to the sunroom. I love this group of girls...we are all in similar stages of life and find a wonderful joy in supporting each other through these stages. That, and well, we can laugh and chat for hours! Last night was no exception! So, we had our cheese platters, fondue, and a nice variety of wine. The tea lights were lit and the party went into the early morning hour. I know it won't be long before we do it again...maybe next time we can be on the patio! A big thanks to 'my girls' for a fun, memorable evening...we had one major player missing in action but she'd better be back next time! For some reason I only took a few pics but here they are.....

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Birthday Boy - Part 2

So last week we seemed to celebrate all week! We had a nice dinner on Isaac's real b-day (June 8) and then a few get togethers during the week with friends and then the full blown B-day party on Friday night. I wanted to come up with something cool to do for his first cake but at the same time wanted it to be appropriate for his age. I'm anxious to do a John Deere cake for him but I figured he'd appreciate it more when he's a little older so I started googling cake ideas and found this fabulous idea for a Fisher Price Barn Set Cake. Now, you could order the set and do it 'by the book' but I've never been a 'by the book' kinda gal, so I winged it. Besides, there was no way I was going to make animals out of icing and break the bank ordering the pans! So, Thursday was a late night for me working on this cake, but I loved it...it was so fun to create with Isaac in mind! We used the animals from his farm set and the rest is icing and cake! We had a fun evening of opening gifts and eating goodies. Unfortunately, the birthday boy was not his usual happy-go-lucky self. We have a feeling that those 1 year shots kicked in the day of his party and he ended up in bed for most of his party...oh well, at least we got a few pics! He was spoiled with beautiful gifts as you can see above. Isaac's favorite: the ride on CAT toy....my favorite: the John Deere quilt! This quilt was a labour of love from Auntie Kim and you can read about that here. Cake was a first for him and he took a few minutes to warm up to the idea but then he dug in and made a mess! Happy Birthday Baby Boy.......you are so loved!

Monday, June 15, 2009

Birthday Boy - Part 1

It's so hard to believe that our little boy has just celebrated his first birthday. It always seems to go so fast, but there was something different this time around. It did go fast, but I think I capitalized on every moment. I have memories and pictures for every stage and expression, even though 'they' say you don't take nearly as many pics with the 2nd and 3rd kids...I know I sure did!
Isaac still seems like my little baby. I still get so excited to see him each morning, and am hesitant to leave his room every night! So, I feel like I've soaked up every moment and it's keeping me 'full'. Now, if you've read any of my previous posts on Isaac you know I can go on and on, as I can about my girls, so I'll try to keep this focused. For Isaac's first birthday we did a family b-day on my hubby's side and then a family and friends b-day later in the week...that post is to follow! In these pics we headed out to a local Dairy Farm called Birchwood Dairies and spent a few hours soaking up the sun, watching a mama cow birth, watched the kids play, and of course, enjoyed their famous ice cream! Isaac had his first taste of ice cream and he loved it! Isaac shares his birthday with my niece 'K' who turned 3 this year. They had fun opening presents together. My sister-in-law got some cute pics of the two birthday munchkins but I didn't have my camera handy but you can see her above opening one of her gifts. It was a nice afternoon and one of many that we'll spend at Birchwood this summer!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Slippin' & Slidin'

This week has been gorgeous here in beautiful B.C. Temps have soared over 30 degrees and the shorts and flip flops are out...not to mention the water toys! Now while its been nice we understand that in our great province weather can change in a moment...so, when the sun comes out we play hard and fast. Today the kids had some friends over and they hauled out the sprinkler for the tramp, the hose for the slip & slide and filled up the kiddie pool...we haven't quite stocked up on freezies yet so watermelon was the treat of the day. The best part: hearing the kids squeal and giggle while they have a blast....the not so best part: the laundry and clean up after they go to bed! Oh well...it's worth it to see them have so much fun!

B-Ball Time!

Well, we're not officially in any ball sports this year but a group of families got together and played ball the last couple of Wednesdays just for fun! It's a great social night where we get to spend this quality time together as young families. There are tons of laughs, lots of Starbucks, and a few great plays! I even had a turn up at bat...although that's not one of the 'great' plays I was referring to! I've mentioned before how much we value our Heritage Alliance Church family and this is just one more of those moments.