Monday, June 15, 2009

Birthday Boy - Part 1

It's so hard to believe that our little boy has just celebrated his first birthday. It always seems to go so fast, but there was something different this time around. It did go fast, but I think I capitalized on every moment. I have memories and pictures for every stage and expression, even though 'they' say you don't take nearly as many pics with the 2nd and 3rd kids...I know I sure did!
Isaac still seems like my little baby. I still get so excited to see him each morning, and am hesitant to leave his room every night! So, I feel like I've soaked up every moment and it's keeping me 'full'. Now, if you've read any of my previous posts on Isaac you know I can go on and on, as I can about my girls, so I'll try to keep this focused. For Isaac's first birthday we did a family b-day on my hubby's side and then a family and friends b-day later in the week...that post is to follow! In these pics we headed out to a local Dairy Farm called Birchwood Dairies and spent a few hours soaking up the sun, watching a mama cow birth, watched the kids play, and of course, enjoyed their famous ice cream! Isaac had his first taste of ice cream and he loved it! Isaac shares his birthday with my niece 'K' who turned 3 this year. They had fun opening presents together. My sister-in-law got some cute pics of the two birthday munchkins but I didn't have my camera handy but you can see her above opening one of her gifts. It was a nice afternoon and one of many that we'll spend at Birchwood this summer!


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