Saturday, June 20, 2009

Me & 'My Girls'

So, I worked hard for two weeks solid, cleaned the deck, the furniture, set up the fountain, weeded the gardens, strategically placed the flower pots,. Hubby mowed lawns and helped weed....and all for nothing! Well, not exactly. Here's the story....A few weeks back the invite was sent was time for another girls night out! A while back a bunch of us gals headed out to Fort Langley for the day and followed that up with a trip to the local winery for a tour and wine tasting. It was a huge hit and we all agreed we had to do it this time we decided to do it at my place. Up until recently we've had gorgeous weather and super warm, but alas, it had to end sometime. Now, it didn't actually rain until later in the evening but it was a little too cool to sit outside so we moved the party to the sunroom. I love this group of girls...we are all in similar stages of life and find a wonderful joy in supporting each other through these stages. That, and well, we can laugh and chat for hours! Last night was no exception! So, we had our cheese platters, fondue, and a nice variety of wine. The tea lights were lit and the party went into the early morning hour. I know it won't be long before we do it again...maybe next time we can be on the patio! A big thanks to 'my girls' for a fun, memorable evening...we had one major player missing in action but she'd better be back next time! For some reason I only took a few pics but here they are.....


  1. Ah yeah, why am I the only one with a fabulous photo???

    Thanks for opening your home. I had a blast and can hardly wait to do it again in a few months. I have visions of years from now sitting around (most of us with a few wrinkles) sharing even worse stories! I cherish these friends just as much as you and thank God everyday for the group of friends he's blessed me with.


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