Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Slippin' & Slidin'

This week has been gorgeous here in beautiful B.C. Temps have soared over 30 degrees and the shorts and flip flops are out...not to mention the water toys! Now while its been nice we understand that in our great province weather can change in a moment...so, when the sun comes out we play hard and fast. Today the kids had some friends over and they hauled out the sprinkler for the tramp, the hose for the slip & slide and filled up the kiddie pool...we haven't quite stocked up on freezies yet so watermelon was the treat of the day. The best part: hearing the kids squeal and giggle while they have a blast....the not so best part: the laundry and clean up after they go to bed! Oh well...it's worth it to see them have so much fun!


  1. Oh to be kids again and slide down that slip 'n slide. I don't want to know what the consequences would be if I tried that now.

  2. What!?! You told me you were going to post that great picture of you going down it!

  3. stinker....it's a 'G' rated blog don'cha know!

  4. Oh, I guess you're right... not really "friendly' for the WHOLE family, was it?


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