Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Winter Wonderland.....

It's BEAUTIFUL here....did you read me? Beautiful! In this neck of the woods we aren't totally strangers to snow but it's sporadic and rarely ever graces us for Christmas...but this year is one to behold! We have about 2 feet of snow all over and its still falling....and its Christmas Eve!! It's supposed to turn to rain in the next few days but we're going to enjoy it while its here. Rob has been busy clearing snow from all the driveways at the farms so the feed and egg trucks can get in when they need to, and also keeping the church parking lot cleared although the Christmas Eve service has been cancelled....the majority of people here don't know how to drive so great in the's comical...until someone gets hurt of course. So, here's our beautiful White Christmas pics for you to enjoy.....wherever you are I hope it's equally beautiful. A very Merry Christmas to all of you....enjoy the Season as we celebrate His birth!


  1. Such wonderful catchin' up posts my dear! (And it's about time!!)

    We enjoyed brunch today... so much that we're doing it again tomorrow!

    Have a great Christmas and thanks again hor the HOME holders... I looove 'em!

  2. Beautiful pictures Andy. We're enjoying the winter wonderland too, though it's starting to be a pretty mushy wonderland now.

  3. love the tractor picture! i'm very sad to see the rain :(


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