Friday, January 2, 2009

Christmas Day...

We had a wonderful time celebrating Christmas! We were sad to miss the Christmas Eve service which was cancelled due to snow this year...that rarely happens! But, we continued the tradition of going to our Aunt Tina's for a wonderful time with family and food, food, food. We had a nice evening although we couldn't go for our traditional Christmas Eve walk due to all the snow! After a lovely evening there we headed over to my parents where we put the kids to bed and set Santa to work loading up the tree and stockings! Christmas morning was so much fun, watching the kids excitement and celebrating with my parents and Grandma's. We enjoyed a beautiful turkey dinner (my mom makes the best) and then I had to end the celebrations early due to a migraine fun! We ended up spending another night at my parents and continued to watch the lovely snow fact it hasn't stopped snowing since...and it's gorgeous! I trust you all had meaningful and fun Christmas' too!

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