Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Farmer In Training...

Well, even though its snowing like crazy and there's 2 feet of the stuff on the ground, our barns are a balmy 92 degrees. We recently had a flock change at our farm and we brought in 13,000 baby chicks, only hours old, where we'll raise them for 4 months until they're ready to lay....then they're off to our layer barn. But, for now, they need lots of TLC. My hubby is a great farmer (insert tooting of my hubby's horn here) and he is especially great at raising these little gals. His dad always told him he raises great birds! Well, we thought we'd introduce our new little man Isaac to 'the chicks'. We only get chicks once per year so this was a first for him....and obviously not his favorite activity. We thought he'd love the chicks and the warmth of the barn but apparently not. No worries...we think he'll come the meantime it was the perfect chance for some photos....

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