Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Happy Birthday Beans...

That's what we call her!  Olivia's nickname has always been 'bean'.  It started out as Livi-Bean, sometimes it's Beanie, and sometimes just plain 'Beans'.  We love this darlin'.  She's a sweetie by nature.  Gentle like her Daddy, quick to love, slow to anger.  She's creative and generous, has a love for magic tricks and crafts.  She's entering that pre-teen phase already.  I see her maturing in so many ways.  She's getting just a 'little' more stubborn;)
Today we celebrate her 11th Birthday.  We're still on holidays, but she's still being celebrated.  Beansie..you're the best!  We luv ya!

Monday, August 22, 2011

Sitting Duck...

I've never really thought about the term 'sitting duck'...until I saw it in action the other day!  It was a gorgeous sunny morning.  I was in the kitchen and could hear the ducks in the pond quacking away.  After a few minutes I realized they were realllllly bothered about something.  I took a peek out of the sliding door just in time to see a huge bird swoop down and try and grab a 'sitting duck' out of the pond.  I couldn't believe it!  I went out on the deck, camera in hand and watched for awhile.  I first I thought it was an eagle.  But..once I put my pics on the computer I realized it was a hawk.  At least I think it is.  Anyway..this bird sat on the fence waiting and waiting, watching and waiting.  In the not so far distance I could hear it's baby crying away in a nest somewhere.   This hawk was so patient.  After what seemed like forever, he/she rocketed off the fence and took another dive at the ducks.  No catch.  I got up to try and get some action shots but I scared it away.  I noticed later in the day it was back...but the ducks hadn't learned..they were still, well, sitting ducks.

Friday, August 19, 2011

Sweet Sixteen...

Today Rob and I are celebrating our 16th wedding anniversary!  I still remember getting our little farmhouse ready to move into in time for our wedding.  Rob remembers renting the biggest John Deere he could get his hands on and shining it up to perfection for wedding pictures.  Yes, it's true.  One of these days I'll show you the photographic evidence... The years have flown by!  I can't even begin to express how much this man has meant to me in my life.  His heart is so pure, his love is so genuine, his spirit is so gentle, his faith is so strong.  His patience is enduring, his love is so pure.  He continually sets an example of someone I want to be more like.   He's had some really tough years, full of challenge, and he has a huge year of change ahead of him, but I will be there for him.  I will try to ease his burdens, support his decisions, make him laugh, listen to him, let him know just how much I love him, and always will.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Munch Bars...

Ok..this recipe makes my top ten for sure!  I was going on and on about this recipe to friends over the weekend so now here it is for all to see/try!  I came across these yummy homeade granola bars when a fellow baseball player brought them to a game to share.  When I was looking for kid friendly recipes to try I remembered this one and emailed her for the recipe.  Thanks Sharon Z!  I've had a few winner recipes from this friend come to think of it....
Anyway, these bars come from the former head cook up at Camp Squeah.

3 cups oatmeal
2 cups rice krispies
2 cups coconut
2 cups sunflower seeds
1/2 cup mararine
12 cups marshmallows (mini)
1 cup chocolate chips (mini)
Mix oatmeal, rice krispies, coconut and sunflower seeds together. (BIG bowl)
In microwave, in large bowl, melt marg on medium heat.
Add marshmallows, coat with melted butter, and microwave on high until
nice and gooey!  Stir down and add to dry mix.
Mix well, press into greased 9x13 pan
(I used my large stoneware bar pan, but if I was using a 9x13 I'd probably split the recipe into 2 pans...it makes a lot!..oh, and buttering your hands is VERY helpful when pressing this sticky goodness)
Once pressed I sprinkled the mini chocolate chips over the entire pan and pressed them in on top of the bars.
I chilled mine in the fridge to set them.
Tip:  score or cut the bars before they harden all the way...
Try em out...let me know what YOU think!
They have become our new summer favourite!  Perfect for the beach, a hike, camping or the park!

Monday, August 15, 2011


TBB stands for To-Be-Bound!  This messy, 'little' pile of fabric represents hours and hours of work over the past month! 
I could write a whole weeks worth of blog posts based on the insane business of the past month, but frankly I don't want to re-live it!  Nothing bad...just a blur, really.  I have been running off my feet, working dawn to dusk, and accomplishing much!  To wrap it up in a sentence; keeping the kids busy/happy, hosting a Japanese student, strawberry jam, potty training, chiropractor, kid to the dentist for an emergency tooth pulling, (all ended well) baking for 3 weeks solid to make a little extra $$ for holidays, socializing every weekend (love that part), working 2 days per week, spending at least 3 hours each day in my sewing room...well, almost every day, laundry, cleaning, gardening, packing the trailer.  All this while hubby worked his backside off till 10:30 every night so he could get all his work done in time to take a holiday.  It has been a challenging summer, but we've managed to keep our heads above water.  Now that Rob is finished up with physio his schedule is much easier. 
Anyway...we're ready for a break.  We have a wonderful couple of weeks planned.  My brother has been kind enough to agree to housesit for us and keep our dogs company!  We're crossing our fingers that the farm can hold it's own while we take a break.  We've got help lined up to do the basics everyday, and we have fellow farmers on call should there be any problems.   
It dawned on me yesterday that I really haven't sat down and done nothing in longer than I can remember, haven't even been near the computer much.  What am I going to do when we're on holidays and I don't have anything to do???  The kids  have some plans to read together, play lots of games and have some great walks together.  I can't wait for those times with them, but this 'TBB' pile will be what keeps my hands busy when it's time to 'relax'.  Once these quilts are all bound they can be washed and tagged ready to go to market! 
I promise I'll show the finished products when I'm back....gee..I sure hope I don't fall asleep once I do finally sit down...

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Drama Queen...

Our lively little Abby was thrilled to be old enough to go to Drama Camp this year!  Her sister has been for a couple of years in the past and Abby's been 'waiting in the wings' for her turn to shine!  Abby is, by nature, a drama queen so it didn't surprise us at all that she would feel right at home at drama camp.  Our local theatre company, Gallery7, offers amazing drama camps every summer for kids of all ages.  Abby was in the 'Creative Explosions' class this year.  Her teacher was, the ever so sweet and smiling, Joyce Cheung.  Each morning when Abby woke up she had a smile on her face and a plan for her wardrobe!  She always needed to be dressed for her character (squirrel/teacher), and had ants in her pants all the way to the camp!  Each day when I picked her up her smile was still in place and she had a sense of self-worth and confidence that every parent loves to see.  Friday was 'production' day and Rob and I, Livi and Grandpa (Gramma had to work), all came out to the show.  Abby did great and we're so proud of her!  When I asked her if she wanted to go back next year her answer was 'YES!!!'.  Well...she comes by it naturally, her Uncle Ken is the founder and artistic director of Gallery7.  When I asked Abby what her favourite part of drama camp was, I got a different answer each day, but each day when I sent her off she would whisper in my ear...'I hope I see Uncle Ken!'.   How blessed we are to be able to combine Abby's passion for drama, community, and family all in one week!  Thank you Gallery7 for making my Abby shine all week!

Waiting in the wings...
 Teacher Joyce...
Baby Takes a Bow...
Abby & Uncle Ken...

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Summer Starts...

Finally!  Finally we've had some summer weather around here.  It's the end of July and temps are starting to head into the 20's!  This is so unusual.  Usually by now we've had a few heat waves, temps have hit the 30's and we're complaining about how hot it is.  Instead, the kids have hardly swam in the pool, there's no issues with having the oven on to make dinners, and patio dining is nearly non-existent!  This last week things brightened up and we took full advantage of it!  We took an evening and headed out to the coast to watch a flight demonstration by our beloved Snowbirds flying team, followed by a movie under the stars on the beach.  The weather was great, but for some reason the Snowbirds started their show almost a 1/2 hour early (while we were still looking for parking) and by the time we actually sat down to enjoy the show....it was over!  We were SO disappointed!  I managed to get a few parting shots before they flew away, but, man, were we disappointed! 

Luckily, we were with friends and we made the evening fun despite things.  We had our picnic supper on the beach, played some cards, walked, and hung out to watch the movie 'Rio'.  It was a late night, but a fun way to spend a much deserved summer evening.