Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Happy Birthday Beans...

That's what we call her!  Olivia's nickname has always been 'bean'.  It started out as Livi-Bean, sometimes it's Beanie, and sometimes just plain 'Beans'.  We love this darlin'.  She's a sweetie by nature.  Gentle like her Daddy, quick to love, slow to anger.  She's creative and generous, has a love for magic tricks and crafts.  She's entering that pre-teen phase already.  I see her maturing in so many ways.  She's getting just a 'little' more stubborn;)
Today we celebrate her 11th Birthday.  We're still on holidays, but she's still being celebrated.  Beansie..you're the best!  We luv ya!


  1. Happy Birthday Livi! We love you too and hope you have an escellent year!!

    Love Uncle Robyn, Auntie Kim, Emily, Julianna, and Java

  2. Happy Birthday to a very sweet girl!

  3. Granddaughters don't come any more special than this beautiful girl. She's one in a million and soooooooooo loved by Gramps and Gram. Happy 11th Birthday to our Livi and Happy _____ Birthday to her Mom and Happy 16th Anniversary to Rob and Andrea. We are so very proud of you all. Love Dad and Mom


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