Monday, August 15, 2011


TBB stands for To-Be-Bound!  This messy, 'little' pile of fabric represents hours and hours of work over the past month! 
I could write a whole weeks worth of blog posts based on the insane business of the past month, but frankly I don't want to re-live it!  Nothing bad...just a blur, really.  I have been running off my feet, working dawn to dusk, and accomplishing much!  To wrap it up in a sentence; keeping the kids busy/happy, hosting a Japanese student, strawberry jam, potty training, chiropractor, kid to the dentist for an emergency tooth pulling, (all ended well) baking for 3 weeks solid to make a little extra $$ for holidays, socializing every weekend (love that part), working 2 days per week, spending at least 3 hours each day in my sewing room...well, almost every day, laundry, cleaning, gardening, packing the trailer.  All this while hubby worked his backside off till 10:30 every night so he could get all his work done in time to take a holiday.  It has been a challenging summer, but we've managed to keep our heads above water.  Now that Rob is finished up with physio his schedule is much easier. 
Anyway...we're ready for a break.  We have a wonderful couple of weeks planned.  My brother has been kind enough to agree to housesit for us and keep our dogs company!  We're crossing our fingers that the farm can hold it's own while we take a break.  We've got help lined up to do the basics everyday, and we have fellow farmers on call should there be any problems.   
It dawned on me yesterday that I really haven't sat down and done nothing in longer than I can remember, haven't even been near the computer much.  What am I going to do when we're on holidays and I don't have anything to do???  The kids  have some plans to read together, play lots of games and have some great walks together.  I can't wait for those times with them, but this 'TBB' pile will be what keeps my hands busy when it's time to 'relax'.  Once these quilts are all bound they can be washed and tagged ready to go to market! 
I promise I'll show the finished products when I'm back....gee..I sure hope I don't fall asleep once I do finally sit down...


  1. Hope you all have a relaxing and refreshing holiday! Hand sewing the most relaxing way to keep your hands busy, imho!

  2. Your holiday is much deserved! I hope you guys really enjoy it... but not so much that you fall asleep during your binding marathon! Our student comes tonight and then it will be a different routine fou us. Hopefully we'll be able to get away for a day to head south and come visit!

  3. have a fabulous holiday Andrea(and family)

  4. So glad to to find you glad that you shared your excited to reconnect with you after your thankful for amazing friends no matter what time has passed...Julie


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