Monday, September 6, 2010

Vay-Cay Pics

We had a wonderful vacation this summer.  Earlier in the year we talked back and forth with my family about doing another vacation together.  We want to wait until Isaac is a little older to do a Disney vacation, and it really isn't in the budget these days, so we decided on going back to the Oregon coast for a stay.  About 4 years ago we went down with my parents and rented a beach house in Seaside and had a wonderful time.  We all love the coast, and especially the Oregon Coast!  We're all happy at the beach, and time with my family is always special.  So, Mom and I started looking into dates and then into possible houses.  My brother was able to get time off work to come with us so it really was a true family vacation!  We ended up finding a cute little beach house only 2 blocks from the beach, and just a few blocks further to the main street.  The house had 4 bedrooms, 2 baths, a full functioning kitchen WITH a dishwasher, and a washer and dryer.  It really was a cute house.  So, the next few posts will be about our vacation time.  We did the beach house in Seaside for 5 days, and then headed back up to Washington for a weekend at the Great Wolf Lodge (awesome!) , and then back down further south into Oregon to visit our relatives.  Seeing as how I took multiple (hundreds;) of pictures..we'll 'drag' this out over a few days!  Enjoy the pics!


  1. I'm jealously enjoying... but you're not in any of them!!

  2. Great pics Andy, can't wait to see the others. The Oregon coast is one of my favourite places to vacation too. We hope to go back there soon.

  3. I'm glad that you guys had a wonderful time as a family! Thanks for sharing the pics....looking forward to more!p

  4. Looks like so much fun. I really want to travel the Oregon coast with my kiddos as the drive is obviously as beautiful as I remember it from when I was a kid and the beach is definitely a great place to relax and enjoy. Thanks for sharing!


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