Tuesday, September 7, 2010

(more) Vay-Cay Pics

I absolutely love the Oregon Coast.  I've always said, if I couldn't live in the Beautiful Fraser Valley, where I live now, my second choice would be to live on the coast somewhere.  I think I could easily handle the beach life...although my pale-skinned complexion would beg to differ!  1st choice coastal living destination:  The New England (East) Coast.  We visited the East coast in the States in 2000 and 2001 and I will never forget the beauty of that coast, Providence, Rhode Island being my favorite.  But, Oregon Coast would be a happy substitute, not to mention more feasible!  One of my favourite things about Seaside, Oregon is the long promenade along the beach.  We walked this boardwalk multiple times each day, starting first thing in the morning and always for the sunsets in the evening.  We walked miles and miles on this boardwalk by the time our vacation had ended.  The boardwalk begins at Main Street and heads South along the beach for a couple of miles.  The houses that are situated right along the boardwalk are so beautiful and beachy.  They cost a mint to rent, but one of these years we're just going to do it!  Here's a few pics of these houses and the promenade.  The single pic shown up top is my absolute favourite house on the boardwalk, and the single pic on the bottom is the house that's for sale on the boardwalk.  Any guesses on the price tag?  It's in need of a 'little' TLC, or a lot of bulldozer, but Rob actually went and chatted with the neighbor about it.  The neighbor was trying to sell it to Rob..dropping it by a couple of hundred thousand even..but hey, if we can't do Disney, we definitely can't do the million dollar (no joke) beach house.  But we can dream can't we?  Rob and I love to dream about things like this, and owning a beach house is a great dream!  It's cool that one of Rob's first imaginations of owning this house was..'just think of how we could let our friends come down and stay during the weeks that we wouldn't use it'.  I love him for this....it makes our dreams all the sweeter.  He didn't say...'just think of all the money we'd make renting it out every year'.  Nope, that's not my man. 

1 comment:

  1. The place we stayed at in Sechelt was for sale too... 1.55M! Couldn't believe the price. It was so fun day dreaming about owing a place like that, but alas, back to our humble abode we come.


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