Friday, July 3, 2009

True North Strong and Free....

Proud to be a Can'eh'dian! What a great reason to celebrate! Freedom in a beautiful country. The week started out terribly with a gang-related shooting on our little country road, but after the shock of that wore off we were glad for something to celebrate to take our minds off the sadness of this world. The day started out early for hubby. He had to go check out barns early in the morning and then hook up a trailer and head downtown to get in line with the floats. Rob was pulling a float for his brother, Ken, who is the executive artistic director for a local Christian-based theatre company here in Abbotsford called Gallery7. Ken is super talented and an all around great guy..not to mention single, ahem. I'll pay for that one later I'm sure. Anyway, Ken is all about bringing quality theatre experience to the community and so what better way to make them aware than to have a float in the annual Canada Day Parade! So, while Rob spent a good chunk of the day tied up with the parade, the kids and I packed up to go watch the parade. We joined several families and had a blast watching the fun! Abby loved all the candy, of course, Isaac didn't like the sirens and Livi loved seeing her daddy and Uncle Ken on a float. We cheered our loudest for the Gallery7 float! Rob had to go to work after the parade but we ended up having an impromptu bbq here in the evening with all our friends and then off the the fireworks with Ken. The temperature was perfect! It was a long, but fun day. Happy Birthday Canada!

1 comment:

  1. Love the pic of Abby... reminds me of my 'twist tie' bathing suit pic I told you about from Horse Lake when we were kids.
    Next event... Campbell Valley!!


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