Friday, July 3, 2009

The Entertainer....

It's so hard to believe that Olivia was our child who refused to sing in public, and would cry and have a tantrum whenever there was a musical concert at school or church. Now, she loves to perform for anyone who will listen. Now, that's not to say that it comes easy to her, but she's overcome the fear. As she got older she seemed to gain confidence from watching others around her. I nearly fell off my chair when she told me she wanted to audition for the school play and talent show this year! I think there are two reasons why she has done such a '180' in her attitude towards performing...first, I think it was just an age thing, second, we sent her to drama camp last summer, via her request, where she had an absolute blast and gained overall confidence in herself. (will post more later on drama camp)
Olivia expressed an interest in learning piano this past year. My Mom is an amazing pianist and she mainly plays by ear so we thought it would be best for Olivia to learn to read music from an early age and then combine it with any 'ear talent'. We signed her up for piano in October and she hasn't looked back! She loves her weekly lessons and her sweetheart of a teacher, 'Miss' Charity. Olivia is constantly asking to learn musical pieces that are above her lesson level. For her year end recital she chose to play 'The Entertainer'. She practiced and practiced without any reminder from me. On the day of her recital she played it flawlessly and we were so proud! Then, we were pleasantly surprised when she was 1 of 3 kids who received an award. She received the award for the most enthusiastic student. Miss Charity announced that Olivia always shows up with a smile, is eager to learn, and is playing above her level by request! Wow, what a booster for her self-esteem! We are so proud of this little lady who is becoming more and more a lady every day. Love you Livi! We definitely think she has some of Grandma's musical talent built into her!

1 comment:

  1. Way to go Livi!!
    We got to hear "the Entertainer" when she was at our house and I was very impressed, knowing that this was her first year of lessons.


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