Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Seeing Spots....Sewing Spots....

Well, I've been busy with all kinds of projects these days....a bit of this, a bit of that, but unfortunately, not really finishing any of them:(

This is the time of year when I feel like getting my house all in order, cleaning, organizing but it seems as soon as I start on one thing, it leads to another thing...ever feel that way? I know you do:)

Anyway, I found this Debbie Mumm fabric line last week and it was exactly what I needed to fill a special apron order for a special friend. I'm doing 1 ladies apron and 2 matching girls' aprons! It'll be a fun project....all the aprons will match but they'll each be different....make sense? Once these are done I'll be sewing some special order crib sheets to match the pink/brown quilt combo I made awhile back.

Once these orders are done plus a few additional orders for aprons, I'll be sewing something for me. Kim and I are anxious to get going on a new project for our homes....I'll keep ya posted.

1 comment:

  1. Oooooo, they're so pretty, I love your choices!! I can't wait to see the aprons.


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