Saturday, January 24, 2009

Busy Saturday....

Hi All! I'm so glad its Saturday, even if its a busy weekend....Today I'm baking a cake that will be very similar to this one above that I did for a baby shower 2 years ago....its a lot of work but it looks so cute when its done! Our church seems to have something in the water because since June (starting with my little guy) there have been 13 births and another friend is expecting twins next month and now another friend is expecting a baby in July, so the boom continues!!! Tomorrow afternoon we'll be having a shower for 4 new moms who've had babies in the last 2 months. Can you imagine the gifts??? Anyway, I'm happy to do this cake..hopefully it will feed the masses! I think I'll change the colors a little on this one that I'm doing tonight....maybe a little more three of the four babes are boys! Later today we're heading off to a farewell for some friends who are moving to Winnipeg....brrrrrr. I hope you have a wonderful weekend!

1 comment:

  1. Whose shower did you do that one for? It's so cute! I think you did one like it for Kim Fleming's shower 7 years ago when she had Zach.
    Good hanging out with you this afternoon. See you tomorrow - oh never mind, it's already tomorrow. :) I need to go to bed.


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