Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Winter Wonderland.....

It's BEAUTIFUL here....did you read me? Beautiful! In this neck of the woods we aren't totally strangers to snow but it's sporadic and rarely ever graces us for Christmas...but this year is one to behold! We have about 2 feet of snow all over and its still falling....and its Christmas Eve!! It's supposed to turn to rain in the next few days but we're going to enjoy it while its here. Rob has been busy clearing snow from all the driveways at the farms so the feed and egg trucks can get in when they need to, and also keeping the church parking lot cleared although the Christmas Eve service has been cancelled....the majority of people here don't know how to drive so great in the's comical...until someone gets hurt of course. So, here's our beautiful White Christmas pics for you to enjoy.....wherever you are I hope it's equally beautiful. A very Merry Christmas to all of you....enjoy the Season as we celebrate His birth!

Farmer In Training...

Well, even though its snowing like crazy and there's 2 feet of the stuff on the ground, our barns are a balmy 92 degrees. We recently had a flock change at our farm and we brought in 13,000 baby chicks, only hours old, where we'll raise them for 4 months until they're ready to lay....then they're off to our layer barn. But, for now, they need lots of TLC. My hubby is a great farmer (insert tooting of my hubby's horn here) and he is especially great at raising these little gals. His dad always told him he raises great birds! Well, we thought we'd introduce our new little man Isaac to 'the chicks'. We only get chicks once per year so this was a first for him....and obviously not his favorite activity. We thought he'd love the chicks and the warmth of the barn but apparently not. No worries...we think he'll come the meantime it was the perfect chance for some photos....

Christmas Happenings....

It's a wonderful time of year! So often the routines of Christmas become exactly that...routines. This year I was determined to be refreshed in my thinking about each and every tradition and enjoy each one, knowing it is a gift from God to help our family remember why we celebrate Christmas in the first place. Here's just a few random shots of different things we've been doing to enjoy the season....I trust you're all enjoying your special traditions and maybe even creating new ones! Blessings to you this Christmas Season....Jesus Is, and always has been, the Reason for the Season!

It's been a while......

Hello All...well, I've been entirely lazy in my posting...but it is that time of year when time itself is scarce.My daughter's been begging me to post her latest creative outlet...blocks! I bought this box of Kapla blocks years ago when I used to work in preschool/daycare. The kids love them and find them so theraputic. My girls love them....they're always thinking of something creative to construct. It doesn't matter who's visiting...Uncle Ken, friends, Grampa and Gramma...everyone loves the blocks! If Uncle Ken is here then the blocks are building airports and towers and hangers....if friends are here then it's animals and names being built, if it's Grampa and Gramma then it's going to be cars and roads.

On this particular day Olivia chose to build Madagascar characters...she had just seen Madagascar the 2nd with friends the previous day and was 'in the mood' to create. She kept telling me to come check out her blocks and I kept putting it off because I was busy with something...but when I finally took the time to go and look I was totally impressed with what she had done...the characters were easy to make this post is for you Livi!