Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Tuesday Time Out

Ahh..Spring Break is here and snow is in the air.  Yup, snow.  Ugh.  Luckily the kiddos aren't too housebound yet.  Kim and I decided that we weren't going to let a thing like kids being home stop us from getting our Tuesday Time Out on!  Her kiddos had a craft day of their own at home and mine managed to keep themselves busy for a few hours.  Kim and I had chatted last night and decided to tackle the 'Bloggers Block of the Month' tutorial.  There's a gazillion out there and some of them cost $$ but we found this one and had fun making a few blocks today.   I'm working with the leftover scraps from American Jane's 'Punctuation' line that I used in my pinwheel quilt..which, by the way, is still waiting for me to finish it.  It's on my not-so-distant-finish-up list...honest!  Anyway..here's a few pics of the blocks.  Super easy, just time consuming.  Fun project for a rainy/snowy/sunny/crazy, but typical weather day here on the west coast.  


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