Tuesday, March 20, 2012


My little guy has been obsessed with tape lately.  I should've bought shares in 3M apparently!  Little Man is having a blast wrapping up everything in the house.  He has used up most of my wrapping paper and when he ran out of that he started wrapping things up in blankets.  yup.  I consider it cheap entertainment for a 3 year old!

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Tuesday Time Out

Ahh..Spring Break is here and snow is in the air.  Yup, snow.  Ugh.  Luckily the kiddos aren't too housebound yet.  Kim and I decided that we weren't going to let a thing like kids being home stop us from getting our Tuesday Time Out on!  Her kiddos had a craft day of their own at home and mine managed to keep themselves busy for a few hours.  Kim and I had chatted last night and decided to tackle the 'Bloggers Block of the Month' tutorial.  There's a gazillion out there and some of them cost $$ but we found this one and had fun making a few blocks today.   I'm working with the leftover scraps from American Jane's 'Punctuation' line that I used in my pinwheel quilt..which, by the way, is still waiting for me to finish it.  It's on my not-so-distant-finish-up list...honest!  Anyway..here's a few pics of the blocks.  Super easy, just time consuming.  Fun project for a rainy/snowy/sunny/crazy, but typical weather day here on the west coast.  

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Love is Always worth celebrating...

While I am not a believer in all the marketing hype that surrounds our yearly celebrations, I am a believer in taking every opportunity to celebrate life!  Valentines is always a wonderful reason for us to show extra special love to those around us.  In keeping with tradition we made oodles of sugar cookies and delivered them all over, Daddy spoiled his kiddos with balloons and treats, and I was the lucky recipient of some gorgeous roses and a lovely, heartfelt card.  For the first time in a loooong time, we went on a Valentine's date and had a really wonderful evening together.  Love is always worth celebrating...Valentine's Day or not.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Just For Fun...

Last Saturday I decided to throw caution to the wind and have a sewing day!  I know, I live on the edge, baby.  Hubby had to work and I just didn't feel like doing the ever growing list of housework.  I called my partner in crime ( aka Kim) and she enabled me.  We sipped coffees and sewed the morning away!  I pulled out a purse pattern from Keyka Lou that I've been wanting to make.  I'd picked up the fabric at Joanne's a few weeks back and was itching to try them out.  They were super easy to make and I got them both DONE in the SAME day.  (Applause please.  This NEVER happens)  I'm very happy with how they turned out!