Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Tuesday Timeout

Kim and I decided to have our regular Tuesday Timeout yesterday because today I'm fieldtrippin' with my Grade 1 girl!  So I guess yesterday was more of a Make-it-Monday!  I hummed and hawed about what to make yesterday.  I have an order I still need to finish, but I rarely use Tuesday Timeouts for orders...they're more of a fun day!  I dug out a bag full of cuts I had ordered online from the 'Bliss' line.  I got the bag of fabric for uber-cheap but didn't know what to do with it.  They're not the exact cuts I would've chosen from the line, but hey, beggars can't be choosers!  I decided in the end to cut the fabric for more 'Swoon' blocks.  I've seen lots of beautiful swoon quilts made and although I liked the 4 blocks I previously made here, I didn't think the fabric was the best for the project.  So, I started cutting this bundle today and hope for different results this time!  The cutting for these blocks is insane, but I got it done!  Next week I hope to start sewing!
Here's a few pics....not much to look at...YET!

Cutting for 8 completed blocks, here's cut number 1:

And...cut number 2: (poor photo quality..didn't realize it at the time!


  1. Hmmm... do I sense a 'Swooning Saturday' in your future?

  2. I love the colors... I'm thinking of going with green, red and brown for the little girls room (with some pinks and blues and creams mixed in). Once they're in bunks, they need matching bedding... can't wait!


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