Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Tuesday Time Out...

This Tuesday Rhonda joined us for our regular Tuesday Time Out!  Kim found a wonderful pattern called Swoon.  Now, while this pattern is beautiful when completed, IT IS A MONSTER to complete!  From the cutting to all of the piecing, this project requires some serious concentration.  Concentration = not one of my best skills.  Well, I got pieces cut to complete 4 blocks in total, but in reality, I only got one sewn!  What I love about this pattern is that it can be done with any fabric combo and look like a completely new block each time.  Thank you ladies for a fun day!  Rhonda brought Starbucks, Kim made muffins, the rain poured down and it was the perfect way to spend a day!
Oh, and fyi....EACH block contains 83 pieces of fabric.  83!!!

First Up...Picking the Fabric (you'd think this would be the easy part.  Not so, my friends)

Cutting and organizing...

The Room was a hummin'...

Rhonda's Block (LOVE her fabric line!):

Kim's Block (LOVE her colour choices and contrast!):


  1. 83 pieces times 8? glad I'm not making the whole quilt lol. It was a super fun day; thanx again!!!

  2. Andrea, my sister is making this quilt right now too...check out her blog with photos of her 'blocks' at http://craftingdotdotdot.blogspot.com/ You crafty ladies inspire me!

  3. Andrea, my sister Carmen (above commenter, hehehe) just sent me your blog link, and funny thing is I just "met" your friend Kim online today when she commented on my blog! Crazy small world! I don't know if you remember me from Heritage but I totally remember who you are.

    I'm going to follow your blog!

  4. Hey Heather!! I do remember you, altho I don't think we really hung out, but Hey, we can now via blogs:) Love your blog...def going to keep and eye on you too! LOVE your swoon blocks! Do you buy your fabric online or?

  5. Andrea, I bought the fabric from an etsy shop for the swoon quilt. I am loving the hometown fabric line, it is so fun and really the first time I've used really nice "designer" fabric and I don't know if I can go back!! Otherwise I've mostly shopped at Fabricland but I've been really frustrated with them lately, with their selection (no FQ's, no charms, no pre-cuts at all) and their prices seem outrageous. I think that shopping online seems to be the most economical way to go, even including shipping when compared to Fabricland. But anyways, I'm looking forward to keeping up with your blog and seeing your progress. What fabric is it you are using. It looks familiar but I can't quite place it. Moda???

  6. No wait, now I'm thinking it's Tanya Whelan Delilah that you're using...

  7. Yes, Heather, you are RIGHT! When we were camping down in WA this year I stopped by a cute quilt shop and picked up 8 of these fat quarters. I had no idea what to do with them, and in retrospect, I don't think they were right for this project, but hey, it was still fun! Loving your blog...


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