Saturday, July 9, 2011

Let the Beach Bummin' Begin...

Well, we sure started summer off with a bang!  Last weekend it was officially summer here.  The temps began to soar and the bbq's began to smoke.  Kids were up late every night, and baths and showers were mandatory before bed!  We finished school on the Thursday, had our Canada Day celebrations on the Friday, went to White Rock Beach on Saturday, and then out to Harrison Beach on Sunday.  I felt like I packed enough lunches and suppers to feed an army, and did the laundry when the army was all done.  Oh was a great way to kick it off.  We enjoyed having 2 boys from Japan stay with us for the weekend.  I loved these boys and was sad to say goodbye.  I wish they could've stayed with us for a few weeks!  I'm glad they got to experience full days of fun while they were here!

Goodbye Daiki & Masa...we will miss you!


Beach Burn-out...

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