Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Father's Day...

We enjoyed taking some time out once again this year to honour the Dads in our family! We started off the day with a strawberry waffle feast topped with ice cream for Rob!  Abby was up and eager to help with the preparations, while Olivia yelled something at us about 'get out, I'm still sleeping!'.  Hmm...I feel a teenager coming on.  Anyway, Abby, Isaac and I did the work, and Abby woke up Daddy to his Fathers Day feast!  We went to church for our worship service and then home again.  Rob had to work, but he got his chores done quickly and got to squeeze in a nap before supper.  We headed over to my parents place for a steak bbq with all the fixin's!  The guys were honoured with gifts and cards and Mom and I did the bbq'ing.  We even included Uncle Dave in the gift giving.  He may not be a father yet, but he'll make a great one when he finds the right gal!
We spent some time reflecting on Rob's dad and how much we miss him still after these 5 years.  We had hoped to head out to the graveside to leave some flowers but the day got away on us faster than we thought. 
All in all, a great day.   Both Rob and my Dad deserve a lot of credit for the Fathers that they are.  Both are upstanding, honest, and lead by example.  Both are involved in their children's lives, and are respected by their families and those around them.  Keep up the good work boys...you're leaving an everlasting heritage for your loved ones!

Me & My Daddy...

1 comment:

  1. Such a great tribute to the dads in your life. Words of truth and encouragement for the great men they are:). Thanks for sharing!


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