Friday, June 17, 2011

Love Is...

A few months back a friend emailed me a link for  this 'Love Is' quilt pattern.  I was fortunate to snatch it up while the creator was still offering it for free!  Oh how I love a good deal;)  I've had the pattern sitting in my 'to do file' for awhile now waiting for just the right moment to pull it out.  When I heard that our missions team was going to do a silent auction fundraiser for their next trip down to Grace Children's Home I knew this would be the perfect 'excuse' to make it.
It's a very straight forward pattern.  Of course I only started it a week before the event, adding just a 'little' pressure on myself!  In the midst of that week my back went out and I was laid up for a few days.  Talk about frustrating!  In the end it all worked out well.  I had nothin' but time to stitch since I wasn't able to go anywhere or do anything active.  Kim was kind enough to come over one night and stiple quilt it for me so I didn't have to bend over my sewing machine.  Bending, you see, is not an option these days!
So here it is.  I'm happy to say it fetched a nice price at the auction and I recieved an order for another one to boot!  It was a very therapeutic project in many ways.  I was forced to just settle and stitch, and reflect on the the words of this verse.  They are challenging words to live up to....

First the cutting...lots of cutting!
Next, sewing the sides on and then lots of pressing....
Next, laying out the blocks...easier said than done....
Then the tracing of the words and flowers...and FINALLY, the stitching....
Last step: Adding the borders, the backing and finally, the quilting and binding!


  1. You did a beautiful job on this quilt, Andrea! It's gorgeous. You make me want to make it. :)

  2. It was a beautiful quilt Andrea! I'm glad it raised a good amount of money for the home. Such a great gift you have.

  3. I LOVE this quilt!! What size was it?

  4. Thanks Ladies! Hmmm...I could go measure it..but I'm too lazy!!! Let's guess would be maybe 3' x 4' ish....perfect for a wall hanging size.

  5. What a great idea - I think I will do just that! From one happy recipient. Sure was fun bidding on it - had almost given up on getting it then my sweetheart put in the last bid. It's mine!

  6. absolutely love it! must get mine finished!!


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