Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Still Proud to be a Canuck...

Ack, this is a hard post to write.  I had planned to write up a post on our infamous Canucks and all the joy and fun they've brought to us hockey fans lately.  The orginal post would've been all about how 'we' won the Stanley cup after 40 years of trying, blah, blah, blah. 
Plan B was to write about how 'that's ok, we still made it this far and we're so proud, blah, blah, blah'. 
Plan C...here it goes...
Well, we didn't with the Cup (duh).  But, we did end up with a trashed out city and a lot of negative news coverage.  Fair enough.  But, BUT...we are still proud to be Canadian and still proud of our 'Boys in Blue'!  We are NOT proud of the post-game idiocy displayed.  We are disgusted with some of our fellow Vancouverites.  We want them held accountable for their actions.  We want them to pay for the clean up.  We want them to serve jail time.  We want them fined.  We want them to know how they've embarassed our country and our hockey team.  We want them to know they are not representatives of our Canucks at all.  They are not fans, they are troublemakers.  As to the 'man' who was pictured lighting a rag stuffed into the gas tank of a police car who is now sobbing and seeking forgiveness for his apalling display of rebellion, I have no respect for you.  How ironic that since you've been caught on tape and your identity has been revealed to be that of a potential Olympic contender in water polo, you see the error of your ways.  Guess what buddy?  I say the best punishment for you is to be denied the right to represent your fellow Canadians at any upcoming Olympics. Ever.  Forgiveness: Yes.  Consequences: Absolutely! 
Kudos to the real fans who went in masses to clean up the city.  You are true Canadians and true Canucks!   
Ok, all that being said, we still enjoyed our run for the Cup!  It was such a great time of community and family.  We enjoyed the juggle of calendar life to accomodate the hockey games and all the crazy puck drop times.   I enjoyed making a ton of meals to pack up and go to whomever was nice enough to host us in front of their big screen tv's!  We enjoyed flying the flag on our car.  We enjoyed wearing blue and green as much as possible!  We enjoyed the parade's on South Fraser Way following each victory!  Some say hockey is all consuming, I say it is an opportunity to embrace a fun, patriotic event!  We created some great memories through these last few months.  We spent wonderful time with friends and family.  Sure we're a little sad that we didn't win the cup, but we're also decent enough to admit that Boston is a great team and, in my opinion, was the better hockey team this time around!  We even gave their goalie a standing 'O' when they recieved the cup!  Don't get me wrong, I LOVE my Canucks boys, but fair is fair.
So...so long playoffs.  It's been fun...we'll do it all again next year! (only we'll win;)

Some GOOD memories from the playoff season...
What would playoffs be without playoff beards?  Huge tradition here in Vancouver...grow your beard until your team is done...wow, this year the beards got bushy.  I kept telling my brother that with the last name McIntosh, and a bushy red beard, he looked like a Scottish clansmen during playoff season!  Way to go Dave...but, for the record, I love you just the way you are!

Even our local coffee chain gets in on the action...there was window art and the famous 'Canucks' donuts!

Everybody has their favourite Canucks logo...mine is the old school 'Halloween' logo that's black, orange and yellow, and Rob likes the Orca logo...

The kids were all in canucks mode...from T-shirts, to hockey sticks (that I tripped over on a daily basis around the house) to face paint and home made signs....

Going over to guests homes was always fun...even home decor was Canucks style!

The purchase of the Canucks flag for the car was an investment in family fun!  Isaac spent many quiet moments in his car seat watching that flag fly!  Mind you, he also screamed in his car seat all the way home when he rolled down the window and bumped the flag off in the middle of an intersection in town!  Uncle Ken rescued the day by showing up with a brand-spankin' new flag for the kids and smiles were restored once again!

Thanks to the 'Boys in Blue' for another memorable hockey season!  Next year:  Same Time, First Place! 

Monday, June 20, 2011


It seems as though this is the season for fieldtrips.  It's hard to believe the school year is wrapping up.  It snuck up on us so fast that I was really ill prepared!  It seems like EVERY stinking event is on either a Thurs or a Fri and I just happen to work those days!  It's been a constant juggling act for hubby and I to get everyone to where they need to be and on time yet!  This week Abby had the annual Kindergarten fieldtrip to the pepper farm.  We have a great family in our school who own a huge pepper operation.  They invite the 3 kindergarten classes out and do a tour of their pepper farm, a feature on a race car they run, and then feed the kids all a hot dog lunch!  The kids made a craft and had the opportunity to tire themselves out playing!  Isaac came along and did good...a few meltdowns here and there, but mainly on the car ride home!  Here's a few pics...

Ladybug Craft...

Playing 'Punchanella' while we wait for our next station....sheesh my kid is tall...
Everybody wants to be a racecar driver....
These ladybugs are imported all the way from Norway and eliminate the need for pesticides on the pepper plants!
This was my second time doing this fieldtrip and something tells me it won't be my last...

Friday, June 17, 2011

Love Is...

A few months back a friend emailed me a link for  this 'Love Is' quilt pattern.  I was fortunate to snatch it up while the creator was still offering it for free!  Oh how I love a good deal;)  I've had the pattern sitting in my 'to do file' for awhile now waiting for just the right moment to pull it out.  When I heard that our missions team was going to do a silent auction fundraiser for their next trip down to Grace Children's Home I knew this would be the perfect 'excuse' to make it.
It's a very straight forward pattern.  Of course I only started it a week before the event, adding just a 'little' pressure on myself!  In the midst of that week my back went out and I was laid up for a few days.  Talk about frustrating!  In the end it all worked out well.  I had nothin' but time to stitch since I wasn't able to go anywhere or do anything active.  Kim was kind enough to come over one night and stiple quilt it for me so I didn't have to bend over my sewing machine.  Bending, you see, is not an option these days!
So here it is.  I'm happy to say it fetched a nice price at the auction and I recieved an order for another one to boot!  It was a very therapeutic project in many ways.  I was forced to just settle and stitch, and reflect on the the words of this verse.  They are challenging words to live up to....

First the cutting...lots of cutting!
Next, sewing the sides on and then lots of pressing....
Next, laying out the blocks...easier said than done....
Then the tracing of the words and flowers...and FINALLY, the stitching....
Last step: Adding the borders, the backing and finally, the quilting and binding!

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Birthday Boy

Here's our man...growing up so fast!  Yesterday was Isaac's 3rd Birthday.  Party pics to follow...