Wednesday, March 16, 2011

My Tuesday Timeout....

Have I ever officially told ya'll about my 'Tuesday Time Outs'?  I have taken so many pictures to post about my Tuesdays, but rarely do I get the time to organize them into a blog post.  More realistically, I rarely get my project(s) finished in time to post a satisfactory amount...well, that, and Kim always beats me to the punch and hers always ARE finished!!!  What can I say.... I get a 'little' less done with some of the kiddos still being at home!  Kim is always so gracious about packing up all her stuff and coming over here so that I can do the exact opposite!  Me packing up Isaac, stuff to keep Isaac busy, food for Isaac, and remember all my sewing stuff, plus arrange to pick up Abby part way through the day just wouldn't make for a very productive day! 
So, with those basics in place, each Tuesday, Kim and I get together to work on a project.  We've been doing this for over a year now and it's a great little tradition we have going.  Sometimes we choose a project to start together, other times we pull out our own projects.  Sometimes it's machine stitching, other times it's all hand stitching.  We ask each other for colour/fabric advice, and we ask each other for life advice!  We share many a laugh, a few songs, a few heartaches, plenty of conversation, and a few more laughs.  Coffee is always present and needles are always flying!
Today we started a pinwheel sampler.  This is a project both of us have wanted to tackle for awhile now.  Pinwheels look quite simple, but the amount of pieces that go into each one require pretty exact measurements.  Matching up seams can be tricky business, but we convince each other that 'no one's gonna notice that!'
So there's a brief sum up of Tuesday Timeouts.  Today's timeout was a little hectic around here.  The kids are home for spring break and they didn't seem to understand that every now and then (specifically Tuesdays) Mommy drops everything to sew!  Oh's hoping next week goes better...did I mention that Kim is always really gracious about things....?
I'm working with a layer cake that I got awhile back called 'Punctuation' by American Jane.  It felt good to delve into this stash and create something with it!  The colours are fun and borderline on reproduction style prints.
In total there will be 2 sets of 8 pinwheels in the quilt, although each has it's own unique colour pattern.

I'm liking the look of this one and excited to keep working on it in my Tuesday Timeouts!


  1. You & Kim are inspiring me to get back at my Pinwheel Sampler! It's been neglected for months now.

  2. Looks amazing!

    I don't know if I can wait until Tuesday to get back at it!


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