Tuesday, January 4, 2011

You know you had fun when...

...you completely forgot to take pictures during the event!  Yup, that was me.  I love New Year's Eve.  It's a great reason to get together with friends and eat yummy food and laugh, laugh, laugh.  We did all of those things this year, but I completely forgot to take pictures. Memories of this New Years Eve will include letting the kids (minus Isaac) stay up for the first time, discovering a new treat Janelle makes that is FABULOUS, the game Apples to Apples, hiccups, coconuts and SFU.  Thanks friends for a wonderful evening!
I took pre-party pictures, and after everyone left, I got Olivia to snap a post party picture.  So here's all I got...Wishing you and yours a very Happy New Year!  May 2011 be a year of personal and spiritual growth, contentment in life, and meaningful relationships with those you love.


  1. I forgot to take pictures too and my food was so yummy.

    we got apples to apples a few years ago and have yet to play!

  2. It was fabulous! Apples to apples rock, as do coconuts and that is a great post party pic of you and Robby!!


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