Thursday, January 20, 2011

In a state of Bliss...

I have been (figuratively) drooling over the Bliss Line by Bonnie & Camille for Moda.  I have seen it in stores, all over peoples blogs and on all the shopping sites, but I didn't have a project in mind for it and it wasn't a necessity.  Notice I wrote 'wasn't' instead of 'isn't'?  Well, that all changed when I saw a link for this BOTM (Block of the Month) project on Little Miss Shabby's blog.  I've always wanted to do a BOTM, but haven't ever tackled one.  Kim suggested that a few of us get together each month and visit while we stitch these blocks. 
This particular BOTM is titled 'Birdie Stiches' and it's adorable. (You'll see the link button on the right of my blog too)  As soon as I saw the style of design she was using I knew that the Bliss line would be perfect for this project!  I did my homework and found a fabulous deal on a 'jelly roll' of Bliss online.  I paid about 1/2 of what the usual cost is up here in Canada!  Yeah for bargains!  It came in to my U.S. post box the other day and I finally got a chance to pick it up yesterday!  Once the housework was done I opened this baby up and started cutting up the squares that I will need for this project.  In total I cut 240 - 2.5" square blocks.  There will be 12 stitched blocks, surrounded by 20 of these little squares and then they'll all have sashing and borders when they're done. 

I can't wait to stitch my first block!  Here's the progress I've made so far, but now I have to wait for our stitching party before I can do anymore! 

I'll keep you 'posted'!


  1. Purty...

    (And I looked for your village sampler post yesterday and it didn't go through... fix please... I'm dying to see your progress!)

  2. You block looks fantastic! I better get busy on mine. :)

  3. so pretty!

    my roll still isn't here yet! *sob*

  4. great fabric - so cute...
    I'm with Cindy though - I have to get started on mine too!


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