Sunday, January 2, 2011

Christmas Morning...

One of our favourite traditions is staying overnight at my parents' house on Christmas eve and then spending Christmas day together. (We spend Boxing Day with Rob's family)  The sleeping over part started years ago when Rob and I were first married and he had to go out on Christmas Eve to plow snow for half the night.  I didn't want to be alone, so my parents invited me to their place to stay the night.  It was one of those traditions that started in the most unintentional way and has become very fun and special.  We went to our church Christmas Eve program first, then over to Rob's aunts for a lovely meal, then off to my parents place.  Once the kids were in bed we loaded up the tree with gifts, stuffed the stockings and settled in for the the night.  My brother joined us in the morning and away we went.  My brother has been handed the Santa wand the past few years and he's the designated present hander over.  I was so excited to see my family open my gifts this year.  I felt like I put a lot of time and effort into the bought and made gifts and I was excited to see their reactions.  Here's a few pics from the day.  

Stockings first!
My brother had me in the draw and he did a great job!

This was the year that Isaac seemed to figure out how it all works!
It was so nice to have my Grandma Harding spend the day with us.  We missed having Nana Smith with us this year, it was our first Christmas without her.

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