Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Let's Salsa...

So I have this sweetheart of a friend, one of many really.  This particular sweetheart and I have known each other for a long time now.  We've snuggled each other's babies, we've been in care group together, we've been in moms groups together, we've cried together, but we've mosty laughed together!  Christa is a wonderful friend.  She's brought much richness into my life, whether she's aware of it or not.  Christa has a heart of gold.  She loves all people, especially babies, but most of all she loves God.  Christa sets a beautiful example of Christ's love.  Well, before she starts blushing I'll move this along.  Christa is a domestic diva and one of the many things she does well is salsa!  I love salsa, there are a few name brands that I'm partial to, but I especially enjoy Christa's salsa.  This year I dropped a hint and she picked it up quickly and we made a date.  So, here's the 'fruits' of our labour.  So, thanks Christa..I'll think of you everytime I pop a top...of salsa!  P.S....next time I promise to remember to have gloves on hand for chopping the jalapeno's. Lesson learned.  The hard way.


  1. Aww, thanks Andy! For the lovely evening, delicious dinner, great company, cold cloth, aloe vera, and for making me blush! :) Next year we'll make a date earlier and do a mega salsa day - with gloves!! One thing we forgot to do when we made your batch was a taste test. Usually I have an open bag of nacho chips on hand for that purpose. I hope it turned out well.

  2. Oh Man, here I was thinking that some groovy Michael Buble/Nellie Furtado tunes would start playing when I clicked on this post... I even had my maraccas ready to shake and everything! Talk about a misleading title!

    (Oh and the salsa looks yummo!)


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