Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Season of Celebration...

In terms of celebrations, the month of August is a busy one around here!  It all starts on the 19th with Rob and I celebrating our anniversary.  This year we celebrated the big 1-5!  Hard to believe that we've been together for 17 years, and married for 15 of those years.  I am so thankful for such a dedicated and loving husband.  On our actual anniversary we were right on the brink of leaving for holidays.  This meant packing and preparing rather than wining and dining.  Rob did surprise me at work with a gorgeous bouquet of flowers and some chocolate.  Later in the day I received his beautiful card with a coupon he had made for a promised date night in Vancouver that he has special plans for.  We're waiting just a little longer until we're back into the swing of fall routine so we can really relax and enjoy ourselves.  I don't know what his special plans are, but he promised that they include the waterfront, so I know it'll be great!
A few days after our anniversary is Olivia's birthday, and a few days after that it's my birthday!  3 events all in one week! 
I've had a fabulous birthday so far.  I say so far because tonight (I'm writing this Sept 17th) I have one final b-day celebration with a friend, and earlier today my work place threw me a little birthday party since I was gone during my real birthday.  It's so fun when your special day is spread out over a few weeks!  I truly am blessed with an abundance of friends and family who take the time to show their love to me.  One of my birthday events involved getting together with our 'Ladies Who Lunch' group for a fun lunch out in Chilliwack.  I was spoiled with cards, gift cards, quilt patterns, stamps a beautiful fall wall hanging and more!  Here's a couple of pics to note the celebration.  The top pic is lunch with the girls at our favorite tea house, Appledorns and the bottom pic is just a little of my 'loot'!  Check out my tree of gift cards galore!  I love gift cards, and this year was plentiful!  One of my favs:  the itunes card from my bro-in-law.  He's given me itunes for a few years now and it's the perfect gift for me.  I always have my tunes plugged in when I'm working out or gardening.  The gift of music is priceless to me....but the gift of coffee, good coffee from Starbucks or Tims, is a close second!  So here's my shout out of thanks to those who took the time and effort to make my b-day special.  With birthdays as great as these, I say 'bring em' on. (one at a time please)


  1. So, um, how many candles on the cake this year... 'cause you KNOW I'm still not as old as you!

  2. So clearly we need another girls night or did we do your birthday already?? I can't remember.


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