Monday, September 13, 2010

It's a relative thing...

So...are you still with me?  Last leg of the journey.  First off was the Oregon Coast, then back up to Centralia Washington, and now we headed back down, further South into Lebanon, Oregon to visit our relatives.  What should have been a 3.5hr trip down the I-5 turned into a 7 hour re-route due to the close down of the I-5 for an accident.  Ugh...this is where the trip got hard.  The kids were done, driving was crazy, lots of bumper to bumper.  But, we made it.  We pulled into our relatives' place at suppertime.  We needed to take Isaac for a quick trip to the ER to have him checked out after a bad fall, but he was fine.  We are so thankful to our Heavenly Father for protecting him.  It was scary fall, but all is fine.  Thank goodness for travel insurance..don't ever leave home without it!!!  FYI..if your little one ever needs a brain scan, it's gonna cost you a few grand!  Anyway, unfortunate incident to happen, but we still enjoyed a short time with my Aunt and Uncle and Cousin and his kids. Our kids played wonderfully together!  There was a trip to the local waterfalls for a hike, a nice evening stroll through a neighboring hazlenut tree farm, and and enjoyable time around Uncle Wayne's beautiful property with all kinds of antique treasures!  Thanks to our relatives for graciously hosting us!  The trip home was a breeze through Portland and Seattle, but once we hit the border line ups things got hard.  Finally, after waiting almost 2 hours to cross back to Canada we made it home safe and sound.  Unpacking was done quickly, barely any laundry needed to be done, and we had a relaxing week of holidays still left to enjoy.  Can't say enough about how wonderful this trip was.  Great family, great memories, gracious Heavenly Father.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah for holidays. I'm really glad you had this opportunity Andrea. It's such a blessing to make memories with your family like that. And thanks for sharing it with us. I loved reading all about it.


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