Wednesday, June 16, 2010

A Day at the Beach...

It's still a little early for a day at the beach, but when pre-school field trips are on it's usually rain or shine. Luckily....L-U-C-K-I-L-Y the weather cooperated on Monday and we had a great day! It's been hit or miss with blue sky but we got a hit! Crescent Beach is near Whiterock beach and is about an hour's drive from here. My bestest buddy Kim came along for the ride and we had a fun day. Kim did this fieldtrip with her kiddos when they were in preschool a few years back. First we all met at the beach where the kids did a scavenger hunt and beachcombed. From there we headed out to a local park for lunch, playtime, and some relay races. Abby was determined to swim in the ocean. She went all prepared with her bathing suit on and all...but in the end she only took her shorts off....not her top. It was much cooler next to the water than it was at the park. But, we did get some sun on our faces for a change. This is the last field trip of the year....HALLELUJAH! This Friday is preschool grad for Abby and sports day for Livi so we'll be tag team parenting for that day! Oh...then there's the piano recital, baseball, and all other sorts of year end wrap ups.....never a dull moment.

1 comment:

  1. Beach days are so much fun... glad the sun came out for you (even if it wasn't warm).


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