Thursday, June 17, 2010

Happy Birthday Dear Mom...

For the last few years I'd already been thinking about Mom's 60th Birthday. I had many different ideas about how make it a special one for her. Mom's not a big party person...obviously I didn't inherit that gene, but I wanted to do something to honour her. A few months back I started talking to Mom casually about it. I promised I wouldn't throw a big surprise party. That would be the WORST gift I could give her! Mom doesn't like being in the spot light! A few things I knew....First, I wanted it to be a classy affair. Second, I wanted her surrounded by those people in her life who love her dearly. I contacted a friend who owns the local tea shop in our historic part of town. We talked about the possibility of having an 'after hours' party so we could have the whole restaurant. I had a guest list of about 30 women. Then, I took the time to really question Mom about what SHE would like for her birthday and she decided on a smaller, more intimate gathering. I contacted a group of girls who mom has been friends with for years and years. They have met weekly for about 30 years to share their lives together and pray for one another and their families. These girls have been a huge support system to Mom as she's dealt with a devestating cancer diagnosis this past year. So, today was the day. I secretly pulled Olivia out of school, dressed the girls up, even let them wear lipstick! We picked up 2 dozen roses, and headed to Mom's to drop off Isaac with Grampa. The girls crouched down in the backseat and didn't make a peep the whole way to the restaurant. ( I didn't think they'd pull it off...) When we got there they jumped up and yelled surprise to Grandma...she was definitely surprised - her face lit up like I can't describe! We went to Serendipi Tea where the staff had prepared a lovely table, complete with the same China my mom collects. They served us noon tea with tiers of fancy sandwiches, peti-fours, and scones complete with devonshire and jam. We had a wonderful time together celebrating the beautiful, strong woman that my Mom is. So Mom, this gift is one of the ways that I want to express to you my love and admiration, my thanks for teaching me so many things growing up, and my gratitude for your constant encouragement and support. I love you for the friend you are and the amazing Grandma you are to our kids. Blessings to you on your birthday and in the year to come. I wish you health, happiness and an understanding of how special you truly are. Happy Birthday!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

A Day at the Beach...

It's still a little early for a day at the beach, but when pre-school field trips are on it's usually rain or shine. Luckily....L-U-C-K-I-L-Y the weather cooperated on Monday and we had a great day! It's been hit or miss with blue sky but we got a hit! Crescent Beach is near Whiterock beach and is about an hour's drive from here. My bestest buddy Kim came along for the ride and we had a fun day. Kim did this fieldtrip with her kiddos when they were in preschool a few years back. First we all met at the beach where the kids did a scavenger hunt and beachcombed. From there we headed out to a local park for lunch, playtime, and some relay races. Abby was determined to swim in the ocean. She went all prepared with her bathing suit on and all...but in the end she only took her shorts off....not her top. It was much cooler next to the water than it was at the park. But, we did get some sun on our faces for a change. This is the last field trip of the year....HALLELUJAH! This Friday is preschool grad for Abby and sports day for Livi so we'll be tag team parenting for that day! Oh...then there's the piano recital, baseball, and all other sorts of year end wrap ups.....never a dull moment.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Makin' Hay while the sun 'shone'...

Yes, it's in past tense. Do you need to ask why? Ok, I'll tell you anyway. It's been raining and raining here. Where is summer??? This is ridiculous! Anyway, we are once again heading into a long season of haying. Rob took the May long weekend to cut his first batch of hay down. Now, we're not big time prairie farmers and don't pretend to be. We don't cut hectares of hay and sit in tractors for 24 hours solid. BUT, hubby does: worry about weather and constantly watch the weather network website, work like crazy to get it all done in a week before it rains again, wreck equipment because of hills and valleys, rocks and stumps instead of nice flat land, deal with customers who aren't happy, underpaid and overworked, get the picture.

Despite all of this, haying is one of the parts of farming that we love the most. It is one of the craziest and most demanding parts of his job, but it brings him so much joy! For me it used to mean working with hubby, I would be on one tractor tedding the hay while he followed behind raking. I would drive the truck while we loaded bales, but now it means being the full time parent for days on end, delivering meals to my hungry man, not complaining about the long hours. Baking his favorite treats, delivering LOTS of cold, icy pop to keep his spirits up. And most of all, being supportive to Rob, teaching the kids to appreciate Daddy's hard work, and above all else, praying for safety. We will do this crazy cycle a few more times yet this summer to get it all done.

On the May Long Weekend he got all his hay cut, tedded, raked and dried, ready to be baled up into round bales by our friend George. We were waiting for George to come that evening (George does work around the clock) and so we fired up the bbq for a special supper I had prepared. Bro Ken was coming over for his usual Monday night feed and we had just started to relax and anticipate a nice evening together when....George pulled up...hours ahead of time. Hubby dropped the bbq lighter and ran for the fields, needing to rake a few more rows of hay. Well....there goes that. So, Kenny stepped up to the bbq, cooked the meat, helped me get the kids all fed and helped clean up. What a sweetie. After we were all done we took the kids for a walk out to the field (another favorite part of haying) and wandered through the fields while watching Daddy & George. It ended up being a great evening. So...that's a taste of what's going on over here. The clouds lifted yesterday with sunny skies in the forecast so.... here we go again.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Turning Two...

Today's the day our little man turns 2! I could write so much...and I will, but for now I'll just say "Happy Birthday Baby". Busy day here...Olivia has track challenge meet all day and I'm home for a quick break so the birthday boy can nap.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

States Run...

That's our 'lingo' for heading south of the border for a little retail therapy around here! I still get a certain sense of adventure and fun from going across the line to shop. I've mentioned before that we're only 10 minutes away from the Sumas or Lynden border so it's really not much further than going to Langley or Vancouver to shop. The difference???? Cool stuff that we CAN'T get here..or can't get for the same price here. We do finally have a Bath & Body Works store somewhere near Vancouver, but the reality is, it's waaaaay more expensive than the ones in the States. And then there's Target. Target is beyond cool. Target has it all! So, all of this to say, last week I headed down south with my friend Beth and we did a run. This time we went further south to Burlington to some outlets. Beth needed to be fitted for a bridesmaid dress at a store in Burlington and I was more than happy to visit Carter's. We don't have Carter's here and this Carter's outlet is the closest to us.'s my loot....
First up...a bunch of fun tees for Isaac...and I didn't pay more than $2.80 for one of them! He also got a pair of denim overall shorts for $6, and the funky pair of Osh Kosh runners for $8. Great haul for this little man!

Next trip to any outlet is complete without a stop at the Rocky Mtn. Candy personal fav....caramel covered apple...mmmmm. Usually this treat is reserved for summer holidays but I couldn't resist! It's my Mom's favorite treat I made a special delivery to her that night:)

Next stop..Bath & Body. We were totally out of everything from there and I love their foaming anti-bacterial soaps and their room fresheners.

It was a fun day and I scooped some really great stuff for not too much $$$, and to boot...the kids were fantastic for the entire trip!