Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Rhubarb Season...

As a kid growing up we NEVER had rhubarb. All I knew about rhubarb was that a lot of people grew it, and my Dad didn't like it! So, we never had it. It was after I met Rob that I tasted it for the first time and I loved it! We lived on the farm for several years and there were rhubarb plants there so I baked with it when it was in season. Now that we've moved off the farm I buy my rhubarb by the pound from a friend in the community. She grows tons of it and supplies it to local produce stores. I bought 5 lbs from her and started my rhubarb baking. So far I've made rhubarb danishes, rhubarb platz, and I still want to make some rhubarb custard pies! Our freezer will be well stocked with rhubarb! I even have a recipe for yummy rhubarb punch. So...bear with me these next few weeks as I share some of my rhubarb recipes!

First up...Rhubarb Danishes. I got this recipe from my lovely neighbor Sheryl. She served them when we were having tea one day and I had to have the recipe. They are very time consuming, but they always turn out for me.
Mix together (I use my kitchenaid): 1 1/2 cups milk, 3/4 cup butter (not marg), 1 1/2 warm water.
Add: 3/4 cup sugar, 2 tsp. salt, 3 eggs, 3 tbsp yeast, 7 cups of flour.
Mix well in machine with dough hook. You may need to add up to another cup of flour to get the dough to the right consistency. It should pull away nicely from the bowl.

Pour into bigger bread bowl, let rise until double in size.

Divide dough into 3 balls. Roll out into big rectangle...my guess is about 12 x 20 (ish).

Spread a thin layer of butter (no marg) across rectangle.

Roll up like a jelly roll.

Slice into 1" rolls.

Place on pans (I use parchment because I don't have that many pans) and let rise again until double.

Prepare fruit: mix 3-4 cups rhubarb, 1 cup sugar, 1/2 tsp. cinnamon

Make small indents in rolls, place a tsp-tbsp of fruit mixture into indent.

Optional: sprinkle sugar on top.
Bake at 375 degrees for 15 minutes.
These are best sampled fresh, otherwise freeze in ziploc bags.

Well, there you have it. There were a few of you who've asked for this recipe in that past, so this is for you. I've also had success doing these with cherry, lemon and blueberry fillings.
Sorry for the poor quality pictures...I made this batch at night once the kiddos were in bed.

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