Thursday, April 29, 2010

Curtain Call...

So I've had the fabric for well over a year now. I purchased it for 50% off at Joanne's. I bought the .99 cent pattern to use for measurement/reference sake. And it all sat. In a Pile. In my 'office'. Until now. I finally dug it all out and tackled the project! I go in waves with this house. Sometimes I'm really excited to take on a new project here and re-invent a space, and other times, not so much. Well, I am getting tired of the lack of texture and colour, so it's time. I took from the pattern what I liked, made up what I didn't and now I'm well on my way to some new curtains!

I'll show you the finished product once I get some curtain rods!

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

You know you're a bad tooth fairy when... find this note on your pillow before you go to bed...

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Sure signs of spring...

Our yard can seem so overwhelming at times...but we do the best we can. There is so much old growth and weeds that need removal, and the rest of it needs constant care. I enjoy working in the yard..I'm not by any means an avid gardener, but it's therapeutic. My favorite days in the yard are when Rob is with me and we can work together and visit at the same time. We have some of our best chats when we're working together. I love our yard, but it isn't my priority in life. I don't stake my reputation on it. Instead, I do what I can, choosing to make my family my focus, and enjoy the beauty of it whatever stage it's at. Here are a few pics of what's happening in the yard right now...the colours are beautiful!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

All Boy...

Here's Isaac doing what he loves most...just being a boy, exploring, usually outside. Anything mechanical intrigues him. Here he's having fun playing in the farm's old 1969 Ford.

Thursday, April 8, 2010


We had a great Easter weekend! It involved lots of baking, family time together, Easter egg hunts and Church services. Good Friday we went to our service in the morning where we remembered the sacrifice made by Christ for each of us. Our church does a 'Journey to the Cross' where artists are encouraged to express their feelings about their faith through art. The morning starts off with a beautiful breakfast, followed by a walk, or journey, through these exhibits. The journey ends with the cross and what it represents to all mankind. The service followed with beautiful worship music and readings from scripture. Friday evening we had an Easter gathering. Saturday was baseball and family time. Saturday night I baked Paska so it would be fresh to take to church on Sunday for the continental breakfast. Sunday we had Easter services celebrating the resurrection of Christ! We brought the puppies to church for the kids because their lesson was on new was easier than bringing one of the calves!!! After church we had a nice afternoon together and then off to an Easter family gathering with my family. Monday was a low key day. The kids had no school but Rob had to work, but it was still nice to relax. We ended the day with our usual Monday night dinner with our brother Ken. Great weekend...hope yours was great too!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Home Away from Home...

That's what we were to 2 Japanese students last week. This was not a planned thing, rather spur of the moment, but we're sure glad we did it! Mamiko and Yukari were welcomed into our home for a 5 night homestay. These girls were wonderful and we had such a great time. Rob and I both enjoy opening our home to people so it wasn't hard to decide if we wanted to do this. It does make life really extra busy, but the experience is worth it. Our kids love being part of things as well. We enjoy the challenge of communicating, teaching Canadian culture and history, and learning about the Japanese culture in exchange. We did fairly stereo-typical 'Canadian' things with them, but they had no complaints. We made a variety of western-style food including pizza, fajitas, hot dog roast over a bonfire, meatballs, spaghetti and lots of baking. The girls really enjoyed eating cookie dough for the first time! The girls did a 'shodo' ceremony for us where they showed off their Japanese calligraphy skills. They were delightful girls and we hope they enjoyed their experience here in Canada!

Monday, April 5, 2010

Puppy Paradise...

Yup, the pups are doing great! Today they are 5 weeks old! Their eyes are open, they're pudgy and they're mobile!!! Even Isaac is getting in on the puppy action! Oh Puppies....Here we go again.....