Thursday, March 25, 2010

'La Push Baby' Girls Get-a-Way Part 3

So if you've followed the last couple of days posts you'll know the story on where we went for our girls get-a-way weekend. Once we had spent a few hours checking out Forks, Washington, we did some window shopping and then headed out to La Push Beach on the Quileute Indian Reservation. It was a bit of a drive and the rain started falling, but this was one of the places I really wanted to see while we were there. I'm intrigued by Native Indian legend and way of life, and I love beaches! The drive was gorgeous, if wet, and there was a beautiful resort on the reserve where people can stay. There was a 1st and 2nd beach. If it had been summer it would've been fun to hike down to these and see the cliffs that inspired the cliff diving parts in the Twilight series. La Push is on the western side of the Olympic Peninsula. It isn't the farthest North, but very close. There was high winds and rain but I was the first out of the van, the first to get pelted with rain, the first to start snapping pictures, and the first to trip over a rock and get laughed at! But I was there and I loved it! All weekend it was..."La Push, Baby, LA-PUSH". I liked that scene in the movie where they're in the cafeteria and Eric is trying to talk Bella into going to La Push and she tells him she'll go if he stops saying 'La Push'! After La Push we headed back inland...and I get to stake claim for being the one to discover Jacob's house first! Even our veteran Twifan Rhonda hadn't been able to locate the house based on Jake Black...but I found it!!! It was one of my favorite houses. After La Push we headed out to the field that was the inspiration for the infamous vampire baseball scene..which is MY most FAVORITE scene in the whole movie. Even the song in this scene (Supermassive Black Hole) has become a favorite in our household and on my ipod! After the baseball field we headed back to Port Angeles to our reservation at Bella Italia...more on that tomorrow!

I told you it was stormy!!! Next up....the Black residence...He wasn't home. I checked.

Anybody up for a friendly game of baseball? Favorite all time quote: "I'm the one with the wicked curve-ball". I almost bought a shirt that had this was a baseball shirt, and seeing how I'm joining a baseball team this year I thought it would be appropriate.....that was until I realized that i would be deceiving every member on the ball team..I can barely throw a ball, and chances of it being 'wicked' are unlikely! That, and, chances are none of them would get the meaning behind the quote. But still....would've loved the shirt. The baseball field was in the middle of nowhere, but there were plenty of signs indicating it had been discovered before us! It was raining and close to thunder but I didn't have a bat or ball. Next time.

I'm having so much fun journaling this...I think I may do a little scrap book to remind me of my trip...great times! Check in tomorrow for more pics:)

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