Tuesday, March 9, 2010

The Bag Ladies Strike Again...

It was my privilege to host the Bag Ladies this time around. We had a wonderful day together...we started just before lunch on Saturday and didn't call it quits until after 10pm!!! That's what happens when you get a room full of ladies, the hum of many sewing machines, good food, and lots of laughter! I took over the kids' playroom for the event and set up all kinds of tables, pulled out every available extension cord, and prepped lots of food and drink. The tunes were going, Kim was grooving and sewing at the same time, Rhonda was admiring puppies in between quilt blocks and Cindy made huge progress working on her Thangles Quilt, Sarah was sewing pj's and matching pillows cases for her kiddos, Marcia was sewing a quilt for Haiti and I worked on the quilt I had started cutting at the last Bag Ladies get-together.
What a great day! Cindy made a fabulous, did I say fabulous? Because it was FABULOUS Mesa Salad for us for lunch, everyone brought yummy munchies and my sweetie bbq'd dinner for us.

Even Jill got in on a little of the fun after work was through! It was nice to have a day to do something I love, with this special group of gals. Looking forward to the next episode....

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