Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Starring the Hildebrandt girls...

Well, ok, not just the Hildebrandt girls, but hey, they're OUR stars! This year our church put on a wonderful Children's Christmas program! My good friend Elise was the the creative force behind this and she is to be commended for the job! I don't know how she did it but those kids sang louder than I've EVER heard them sing before..and they looked like they were having a blast to boot! There was some drama, a choir, the cutest little lambs and cows ever, an interpretive dance, and a live orchestra. We got lots on video and a few pics too! Olivia was the arc angel and abby was in the choir. Livi had a little stage fright when push came to shove, but she managed. It was neat to see her in a dance that had been choreographed by two girls in our church who are professional dancers. It made my heart soar to see her look so graceful and beautiful! Grandma and Grandpa were there and my brothers Dave, and (bro in law) Ken came out for the performance. They are both so proud of their little nieces. Afterwards, all the kids received a stocked goodie bag provided from the seniors in our church. Next we headed back to our place and celebrated my brother Dave's birthday. It was a wonderful day..the only one who missed out on the girls' performance was Isaac, who played happily, and obliviously, in the nursery...mabye next year he'll be up there!

1 comment:

  1. You ladies give me too much credit. It helps to work with a great group of kids and parents who want to see them succeed. They all did a great job.


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