Friday, January 8, 2010

Me & My Girls

The girls and I did lots of baking together this year to get ready for special events. I wasn't in my usual 'gotta bake everything and bake it perfect' mode this year. I had my times where I enjoyed making some trickier recipes that aren't so kid friendly, but I really enjoyed the time that I spent baking with the girls. It is so wonderful to see their sisterly bonds starting to show. Don't get me wrong, they still fight and all the normal kid stuff, but I've really noticed their desire to be friends lately. There is an age gap of almost 5 years between the girls so I feel as though there is an added challenge for them to find areas of common interest. But, both my girls love being in the kitchen, just like their mama! Abby especially enjoys it. We have a tradition, as do many of you, of making sugar cookies for the special seasons. We do the bunnies and eggs in spring, leaves and pumpkins in fall and bells and snowflakes at Christmas, just to mention a few. It took me years to find just the right sugar cookie recipe, and everyone has their favorite. I made my hubby's favourite jam-jam cookies this year. They are a boatload of work, but the smile on his face is worth the flour on mine! Good thing I made all that plum jam this fall! Plum jam works the best in these cookies as it's thicker and doesn't run out while baking. Even the icing is a labour of love! The freezer is well stocked and the next time I bake it will be plain ol' chocolate chip cookies or banana bread...we haven't seen those regulars in a looong time!

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