Monday, September 7, 2009

B-day for the Books...

I had a superb birthday this year! The celebrations started before the actual day and didn't seem to end for the following 2 weeks. Why? I dunnno! It's not like 34 is a super celebratory kind of age, but hey, who am I to argue? There was hot Starbucks delivered to my door on the actual day by my bestest friend, tons of flowers, cards and gifties, cakes...tooo many cakes, family dinners, staff party (which included a memorable birthday rap) and time spent with great friends. I didn't get pictures of all the fun events but I did grab a few of this one. These are some of my most wonderful friends in the world. These gals took me out for a night on the town in Whiterock and we made just a few more memories for the books....and oh, did we laugh...ooooohhh, did we laugh!
p.s....we missed you Christa & Tam!


  1. that photo turned out great, too bad it's my face right in the front; fun times, can't wait for the next birthday!!!

  2. Oohh, looks like so much fun! Wish I could have been there. I'm glad to hear you got spoiled though, you deserve it!!

  3. My thoughts exactly Tillie! I think Heather might be next and I'm pretty sure that's coming up soon. I guess I better get planning hey.


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