Tuesday, July 28, 2009

The Big 4-0!

Hard to believe that my man turned the big 4-0 this month....good thing for me that he robbed the cradle;)
Rob is such a laid back kinda guy that this milestone wasn't a worry for him...he still has goals and dreams he wants to see happen but the numbers don't scare him! I don't need an excuse for a party but this occasion was ripe for planning the perfect party! Rob is passionate about farming and even more passionate about John Deere, so the theme was easy enough! Yellow and Green all the way! Instead of doing the huge-blow-out surprise party..which, for the record, we did for his 30th, we went with a casual evening with wonderful friends out on the patio with the bbq fired up. I asked Rob to pick about a dozen people he'd like to party with and that was the guest list. Now, there were a few major players who couldn't make it but we partied into the evening nonetheless. My gift to Rob was a mini scrapbook album filled with all things yellow and green. It was meant to be a tribute to the life he has committed himself to and the integrity that he lives it out with. Farming has been much more difficult for Rob since his dad passed away suddenly 3 years ago, but he carries on because he loves it. So...Happy Birthday Rob! You're are the most kind-hearted person I know. Rob is slow to anger, slow to judge and quick to forgive....He loves the Lord first and foremost and the kids and I are next on the list. Here's a few pics from the special occasion.


  1. looks like a great party, sorry we had to miss, I do hope we were one of the major players missing ;). Love the cake, you can seem to get such great colors in your icings. You should go and apply for cake boss, he'd hire you any day.

  2. thanks Tillie...you guys were DEFINITELY on of the major players missing...Rob was so disappointed that you guys couldn't make it...but we totally understood:) Besides..we never need a reason to party with you guys!

  3. What a great tribute to your husband! Looks like a fun party!!

  4. It was a fun party and we were glad to be a part of celebrating such a great guy. Thanks for leading the way into the next decade for all of us Rob. :)


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