Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Relatively Speaking....

Two weekends ago we were able to spend some time with family from out of town. My Aunt & Uncle and cousin came up from Oregon to spend a weekend visiting family. They came up Friday night and stayed until Sunday. Saturday was a relaxed day of visiting while my hubby and cousin went to a Diesel Truck Event here in town. My kids were so excited to see their 'cousins' Kevin and 'Nickel' (Nicole) as my 4 yr old has always called her. We had beautiful weather and the kids had a blast playing outside all day. In the evening we had more family over and enjoyed a bbq. It was so nice that my Grandma could come out for the evening and spend time with her kids, grandkids and great-grandkids! Here's few pics to enjoy.

1 comment:

  1. Great pics Andy! Long time to see those guys! (Wayne and Elaine never change!)
    Thanks for sharing!


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