Sunday, April 19, 2009

Easter Celebration...

He is Risen...He is Risen Indeed!
Although I'm a week late, I thought I'd post some pics of our Easter festivities. We started Good Friday with our traditional Good Friday Breakfast at Church. This breakfast is sponsored by our Men's ministries and they did a wonderful job! We then participated in the Art Walk at Church. This is a set up where we walk through a variety of art displays. Many artists contribute. There are paintings, stories, sketches, photography, and so much more. It's a wonderful way to reflect upon Christ's love for us and how He expressed it in the ultimate sacrifice of dying for our sins.

The art walk was followed by a service. On Saturday we had my family here for a great time of food and fun. The kids enjoyed an easter hunt and, as you can see, were spoiled by many easter bunnies! The weather was perfect! My parents, one of my Grandma's and both brothers were there. We went to church on Sunday for a continental breakfast with lots of paska and then enjoyed an Easter Sunday service that had drama, music and pictures. It was a great Easter weekend! I trust you enjoyed yours as well!


  1. Great pictures Andy! The girls are growing...

  2. okay I'm kind of have two brothers? I thought you only had one. Or are you talking about your mom's brothers???

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.


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