Monday, March 30, 2009

The Big 0-4!

This past month we celebrated Abby's 4th Birthday. She had been anticipating this day for a loooooooong time! She started asking people to her birthday party last fall already...just ask Uncle Ken, he recieved a birthday invite almost every week leading up to the big day.
Now if you've met my little Abby you'll know what a character she is. She keeps me running all day! You never quite know what's going to come out of her mouth...taking her to town is quite an adventure! But, in amongst all this craziness there is a beautiful person that I know our Heavenly Father created just for me (us). God gave us this special girl knowing that we could recognize her quick wit and sense of humour, her love for life and her need to question everything in life! She really is a mini-me....did I drive my mother this crazy???? I love her to death for the unique and wonderful girl she is.
It took her almost a full year to make up her mind about what kind of cake she wanted. She changed her mind every day for the 2 weeks leading up to the party, but in the end she wanted Cinderella. Easy enough right? Nope, harderst character cake I've ever done. I don't do faces...can't draw them, can't ice em'. I gave it my best and this is how she came out....not bad, except we joked that she looked like she had a botox treatment on her lips right before she showed up for the party!
She enjoyed her party so much with all her cousins and grandparents, uncles and aunts.

Part of my goal as a Mom is to create special memories for my kids, but most importantly to show them how much I love them, and, believe it or not, a Cinderella cake is just one more way!


  1. You did awesome on that cake! I'm sure Abby must've been absolutely thrilled with it. :) Such talent, woman!

  2. Great cake! It's my oldest that goes back and forth on what he wants, but my 2nd one... man, once he gets an idea in his head about what he wants, there is nobody that can change his mind!


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