Friday, September 12, 2008

Saying Goodbye to Grandpa...

Well, although it was not entirely unexpected, we said goodbye to my dear Grandpa Smith yesterday. Grandpa was 91 years old and up until a few months ago you'd have thought he was only 60. Grandpa Smith is my paternal grandfather although he is not my dad's biological father. My Grandpa married my Grandma over 30 years fact I was born on their even though I'm not the 'oldest' cousin, he used to always tell me that I was his first grandaughter! When I was little my grandparents lived on a beautiful property on the river in Hope. I vividly remember going for visits frequently to see them. They moved to Abbotsford when I was in my teens and just lately were both moved to Menno Home. I'm glad they could be together right up until Grandpa's last moments. My Grandma is doing well considering her loss. Grandma is a strong, lovely woman with a sense of humour sharper than any you know why I am the way I am! I have been so lucky to have so much time with all my grandparents and am blessed that I will see both my grandpa's one day again. They've both gone to the most wonderful, peaceful place. I am so thankful for God's promise of eternal life with Him. Rest in Peace with your Saviour Grandpa...until we meet again.

"For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life." John 3:16


  1. Andrea, what a beautiful message.
    I have some great memories of Auntie Dot and Uncle Herm...most from their Hope days. When I remember him, I will always think of Jimney Cricket!

  2. That was, indeed a lovely tribute Andrea! It is encouraging to see such amazing relationships develop with grandparents. I, unfortunately do not have that blessing but it gives me great hope for my own children as they have the amazing experience of sharing their lives with both sets of grandparents.


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