Saturday, September 27, 2008

Colour Combo...

I picked up these great fabrics at local quilter, Cheryl Wall's, open house last weekend. Cheryl is a very famous quilter and makes the best prim patterns! I love the brown and pink combination and can't wait to come up with a creation using I'm off to Kim's to have some help with applique as its not my forte! You can find Cheryl over at Country Quilts.

The second pic of all the fabric is the lot I got in a sale at our local quilt shop in Abbotsford. Once each year the owner puts out all her sample fabric swatches that the dealers give her and we can go nuts filling a bag for $20. I managed to get 129 pieces in mine! They're very small but perfect for quilt piecing!

Hope you have a great day...I"m off to sew until hubby's done work at the farm.


  1. Wow, great deal on that fabric! I got some nice big chunks from Cheryl's open house for $1 each!

  2. So... Dancer with his big ol' nose is done to complete the top... just sent the girls to Michael's for ecru thread... guess what I'm doin tonight!

    What do you think the chances are that we might actually get away for a little quilting retreat sometime...? Because believe me... I'm ready!


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