Wednesday, August 13, 2008

I've Arrived!

Well, I've arrived in terms of the blog world! I've finally given in to the pressure and taken the advice of good friends so, here I am. I think this will be a great way to 'journal the journey'. Where to start? Well, our new little prince Isaac is now two months old and is currently the centre of our household. We are loving having another 'man' in the house, and watching him be loved. It is so wonderful to know that he was created especially for us by our Heavenly Father. I am nearing the finish line with his birth announcements and hope to have them in the mail by the weekend. There, I've typed it, now I'd better do it! Thanks for checking us out...bear with me as I learn the ropes!



  1. Woohoo! Congrats on setting up a blog! What a nice way to start with pictures of your little cutie pie.

  2. Whoo hoo!! Isaac is adorable!!! Maybe we need to stamp soon so I can meet him!! Hope that the announcements go well. Welcome to the blog world!! :)

  3. What a little cutie!!
    And welcome to Blogland! You are going high tech here!!!! Looking forward to your daily posts!! Haha - kidding, that's not always easy to do.... but I will add you to my blogroll and check back often!

  4. Yeah, you have a blog. I can't believe I haven't seen you guys in like 3 weeks. Isaac is a different boy. He is definitely a good mix of both of you hey?!

    Well hopefully we'll see you soon.

  5. Sweet pictures! He's growing soo fast!
    Glad all the blog info made sense!
    Wanna stitch soon...? Christmas is coming!


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