Sunday, August 31, 2008

Home from Holidays.....

Well. we're home. Rob had the last two weeks of August off for his holidays. Holidays are really tough to pull off when you're a farmer. Luckily we were able to have someone do the 'bare necessities' on the farm so we could take a much needed break. We went to Osoyoos for 8 days. If you're not from around here then you won't know that Osoyoos is a desert area in British Columbia, Canada. It houses BC's warmest lake! The temp is usually in the mid 30's so its a very popular holiday destination. We pulled our 5th wheel up and enjoyed a nice, fun week. There are tons of fruit orchards around so we enjoyed lots of fresh fruit there and brought home 20 lbs of peaches which I've slowly been converting into cobbler, jam and pies.....

This was a first camping experience for our little man Isaac and he did great...such an easygoing little man. We usually manage to get up to Osoyoos at least once each summer and we're already looking forward to next year! We stayed at the Mk'Nip Native Indian Reserve campground. It has over 300 sites and lots of laundry, shower and store facilties. There's a cultural centre nearby and horse stables that offer daily rides.....but you have to be's rattlesnake territory! Luckily we had no run ins with snakes of any kind.

The Elements...

Well, I didn't get Isaac's birth announcements in the mail last week as predicted so I figured the least I owed you was a sneak peak at the elements of them. I had fun creating them and am happy with the finished product. I'll mail them Tuesday since Monday is a holiday. I used 3 theme colors from the Stampin' Up line....chocolate chip, wild wasabi, and soft sky. I love these colors together and they are perfect for a more masculine baby card. I'm used to working with pinks and yellows so this has been a fun, new experience! I'll post the finished product once everyone's had a chance to recieve theirs in the mail! I made 62 announcements and I hope it'll be enough!

Friday, August 29, 2008

Hard to believe...

Yep, it's hard to believe that my 'little' girl turned 8 last Saturday! We celebrated her b-day while we were in Osoyoos. We had fresh homeade waffles then headed down to 'Rattlesnake Canyon' amusement park where Olivia chose the bumper boats as her birthday ride...she got soaked!!! Olivia is a pleasure to parent...she's so patient, loving and kind, not to mention a wonderful big sister to Abby and Isaac! Well, enough of tooting my child's's a few facts on Livi at the age of 8: She is already 4'9", she loves the color blue, her favorite food is pineapple pizza, she loves to play on club penguin and webkinz for her computer time, and she especially loves to play outside on the trampoline and in her fort!

For Olivia's 8th b-day we let her get her ears pierced...she did great! (see pics)

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Disney Bound

Well, there's only one of us who's actually
Disney bound..and unfortunately, it's not me!

Grandma and Grandpa are taking Olivia to Disneyland! Olivia has never been before and she's very excited. She watches the Disney Promo Movie at least once every day it seems.

In order to build the anticipation for Olivia, and help Abby to understand it's just Livi going this time, Olivia and I created this 'countdown to disney' calendar. It hangs on the wall in our family room and she gets to add a Minnie or Mickey each day....49 days and counting! I had fun breaking in my new cuttlebug machine when we die cut the characters...thanks Dad and Mom...what an awesome early b-day present! Our family is nuts for Disneyland although we haven't been since we've had kids. This trip should tide Olivia over until the other 2 are old enough to go!

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

I've Arrived!

Well, I've arrived in terms of the blog world! I've finally given in to the pressure and taken the advice of good friends so, here I am. I think this will be a great way to 'journal the journey'. Where to start? Well, our new little prince Isaac is now two months old and is currently the centre of our household. We are loving having another 'man' in the house, and watching him be loved. It is so wonderful to know that he was created especially for us by our Heavenly Father. I am nearing the finish line with his birth announcements and hope to have them in the mail by the weekend. There, I've typed it, now I'd better do it! Thanks for checking us out...bear with me as I learn the ropes!
